The Ten, now numbering 18, began in 1979

The original ten members with Bob Hope after performing at a dinner in honor of Princess Grace of Monaco in 1981. Back row: Wayne Barber, Rich McGlynn, Joe Caron, Bill Soons, Ward Dorer. Front row: Roger Englander, Don Selby, Mr. Hope, Bill Moore, John Dorer, Gordon McLaren.

The original ten members with Bob Hope after performing at a dinner in honor of Princess Grace of Monaco in 1981. Back row: Wayne Barber, Rich McGlynn, Joe Caron, Bill Soons, Ward Dorer. Front row: Roger Englander, Don Selby, Mr. Hope, Bill Moore, John Dorer, Gordon McLaren.

…when three quartets banded together to expand their musical repertoire and to perform for a variety of audiences. Those three quartets had a total of ten men, two singing in more than one quartet… hence the name, which has stuck even though the group has subsequently expanded to the current eighteen. The oldest members graduated from college in the 1950′s and the youngest in the 2000′s, with every decade in between represented in the group. Among the younger members are the sons of two of the founders.

The men of The Ten represent fifteen different colleges, and are alumni of such a cappella groups as Yale’s Whiffenpoofs and Spizzwinks, Princeton’s Nassoons, Brown’s Jabberwocks, Hamilton’s Buffers, Skidmore’s Bandersnatchers, and Ithaca’s Ithaccappella.